Reptile & Amphibian Care Consults

Proper husbandry matters…
The MOST important thing you can do for the health of your reptile/amphibian is to make sure their environment is ideal.
An “ideal” environment means proper temperatures, the correct amount and types of lighting, the right humidity, the right nutrition, and an enclosure that is specifically designed for them to not only survive but thrive.
With so much conflicting information on the internet, it can be overwhelming for owners to figure out exactly what is best for their pet.
Drawing upon our years of experience as well as the most current research, we can provide a full evaluation of your pet’s habitat including precise measurement of lights and temperatures using specialized equipment. If we identify areas that could be improved, we will guide you with specific recommendations that meet your individual needs and budget.

In-Home is Better
When you bring your reptile to a traditional clinic, the vet can't get a full understanding of their habitat at home. This limits their ability to provide accurate advice that meets the individual needs of each client and pet.

The Right Tools
We don't guess, we measure!
We bring special instruments to precisely measure UVB light levels, surface temperature, humidity levels, and more.